Activities: Frog jumping game
Use an empty wading pool or or a large low sided box painted blue.
Use small green paper plates as lily pads.
Use small toy frogs and have children toss the frogs onto the lily pads. You could put numbers on the “lily pads”. Winner would be high scorer in this case.
Another popular Frog activity is Leap frog.
The first person in line takes a few steps forward and then bends over to make a frog. The next person in in line leaps over the first frog, then carries on for a few steps and then bends over to make the second frog. The fun goes on until all have leaped.

Crafts: origami jumping frog
Start with a square piece of green paper. fold into a triangle. Open the triangle . Fold the opposite edges together, then unfold.
Fold each of the corners to the center point. Fold each of the two top edges to the center line.Fold the triangle at the bottom upwards. Fold each of the bottom two corners to the middle of the bottom edge. Fold the bottom portion upwards.Fold the top half of the lower rectangle downwards towards yourself.This is the frogs legs. Give your frog head by folding a small part of the upper point downwards.
For directions with illustrations you could go to www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/origamifrog

Decorations: Give the effect of a pond by using a blue-green table cloth. Use green paper plates to resemble lily pads. Small stuffed frogs can be placd as a center piece.
Food: Frog cupcakes
Any flavor cupcake with green frosting. Use minature marshmallows for the eyes and red shoe string licorice for the mouth.
another favorite is ” frogs on a log”.
This is celery filled with peanut butter. Then put raisens on the peanutbutter to represent frogs. ( Pistachio nuts could be substituted for the raisins, as they are green.)
Music: Five green speckled frogs
Five green speckled frogs
Sitting on a speckled log
Eating the most delicious bugs–yum, yum
One jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool
Then there were four green speckled frogs
Continue to count down until you get to no green speckled frogs.
Extras: A little green frog once lived in a pool
The sun was hot and the water cool.
And sang a dear little, queer little song.
” Juaggery do, Juaggery de,
No one was ever as happy as me.”
Little Tadpole(Frere Jacques tune)
Little tadpole, little tadpole
lost his tail, lost his tail
Now he has two feet
Now he has four feet
Look a frog! Look a frog!
Oreo frog cookie
for each cookie you need 2 miniature pretzel twists; 1 oreo chocolate sandwich cookie; 1/4 tsp ready to spread vanilla frosting; 2green m&ms.
Attach pretzels to bottom of the cookie with some frosting for the frog’s feet. Place the pretzle side down, on plate. Use remaining frosting to attach candies to top of cookies for the eyes. Let cookies stand until the frosting is firm. enjoy.